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View Application ABP-310753-21

View Application ABP-310753-21

Date Received:
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Submission Type:
Closing Date for Submissions:
Randalswood Holdings
Lands at Palmerstown Retail Park, Kennelsfort Road Lower, Palmerstown, Dublin 20, D20 AE04
Proposed Development:
The request relates to the demolition of existing structures, construction of 250 no. Build to Rent apartments and associated site works. The proposed alterations relate to the following: Proposed alterations to the previously permitted Strategic Housing Development (permitted under ABP-307092-20 as amended by ABP-309899-21) including: Proposed external and internal alterations to previously permitted Blocks C, D & E only including elevational changes; reduction in site levels; increase in height to accommodate construction method requirements including lift shaft overrun, AOV and parapet; minor increase in footprint/floor plans of Blocks C, D & E to accommodate construction method requirements and revised apartment mix/layouts; Proposed alterations to previously permitted apartment layouts and communal spaces within Block C, a proposed additional setback floor (i.e. proposed 7 storey building) comprising 7 no. additional units (6 no. 1 beds and 1 no. 2 bed), with alterations also proposed to the previously permitted apartment unit mix within this block, resulting in an overall increase of 8 no. units in total i.e. from 30 no. 1 beds and 17 no. 2 beds (47 no. units) to now provide 37 no. 1 beds and 18 no. 2 beds (55 no. units); Proposed alterations to previously permitted apartment layouts and communal spaces within Block D, a proposed additional setback floor (i.e. proposed 8 storey building) comprising 5 no. additional units (2 no. 1 beds and 3 no. 2 beds), with alterations also proposed to the previously permitted apartment unit mix within this block, resulting in an overall increase of 8 no. units in total i.e. from 33 no. 1 beds and 34 no. 2 beds (67 no. units) to now provide 38 no. 1 beds and 37 no. 2 beds (75 no. units); • Proposed alterations to previously permitted apartment layouts and communal spaces within Block E, a proposed additional setback floor (i.e. proposed 9 storey building) comprising 7 no. additional units (6 no. 1 beds and 1 no. 2 bed), with alterations also proposed to the previously permitted apartment unit mix within this block, resulting in an overall increase of 8 no. units in total i.e. from 40 no. 1 beds and 23 no. 2 beds (63 no. units) to now provide 47 no. 1 beds and 24 no. 2 beds (71 no. units). This results in an overall total increase of 24 no. units from the previously permitted 250 no. units (134 no. 1 beds and 116 no. 2 beds) to now provide 274 no. units (147 no. 1 beds and 127 no. 2 beds); Proposed alterations to previously permitted ESB sub-station; Proposed alterations to previously permitted landscaping proposals to accommodate minor increase in footprint of Blocks C, D & E; Proposed alterations to previously permitted basement plan layout and configuration including minor increase in size and provision of an additional 24 bicycle parking spaces and 26 car parking spaces; The case reference for the current alteration request is An Bord Pleanála Reference Number ABP-310753-21. The Board decided in accordance with section 146B(2) of the Act, that the proposed development would constitute a material alteration to the terms of the development; Under section 146B(8), submissions or observations in relation to the request may be made to An Bord Pleanála, during a period of 5 weeks relating to: (a) Whether such an alteration would be likely to have significant effects on the environment, (b) Whether the Board should make the alteration to the terms of the development concerned being an alteration other than that to which the request relates or refuse to make the alteration; The Board shall have regard to the submissions/observations made on foot of this invitation; The information relating to the proposed alteration (including the details of the request) may be inspected free of charge or purchased on payment of a specified fee at the offices of South Dublin County Council and the offices of An Bord Pleanála during public opening hours for a period of 5 weeks commencing on 18th November 2021; Any submission or observation in relation to the request to alter the terms of the development may be made to An Bord Pleanála, 64 Marlborough Street, Dublin 1. Any submissions must be accompanied by a fee of €20, except for certain prescribed bodies. There is no fee required to make a submission or observation by those parties or individuals who have already made a valid submission or observation to the Board in relation to the original application An Bord Pleanála Reference Number ABP-307092-20; Submissions or observations must be received by the Board not later than 5.30 pm on 23rd December 2021; Such submissions or observations must include the following information: 1. The name of the person making the submission or observation, the name of the person, if any, acting on behalf of that person, and the address to which any correspondence relating to the application should be sent, 2. The subject matter of the submission or observations, and 3. The reasons, considerations and arguments on which the submission or observation is or are based; Any submission or observation which does not comply with the above requirements cannot be considered by the Board; Any enquiries relating to the application process should be directed to the Strategic Housing Development Section of An Bord Pleanála (Tel. 01-8737100).
Decision Due:

Decision Details

Decision Date:
Final Grant Date:


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Received File Type
02/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Letter to Dept. of Defence
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Letter to An Bord Pleanala
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
SDCC Part V Validation Letter
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Part V Indicative Costings
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Copy of ABP Letter
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Letter to An Bord Pleanala
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Letter to DAA
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Letter to Dept of Defence
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Letter to IAA
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Letter to NTA
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Letter to SDC Childcare Committee
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Letter to SDCC
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18/11/2021 Application - Cover Letter
Letter to TII
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18/11/2021 Application Form - Part A Adobe PDF
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18/11/2021 Drawings-General
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