- Date Received:
- 09/08/2022
- Last Action:
- 09/08/2022
- Application Type:
- Permission
- Submission Type:
- New Application
- Closing Date for Submissions:
- Closed
- Applicant:
- Dublin and Dun Laoghaire Education and Training Board
- Location:
- Colaiste Chilliain, Old Nangor Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22
- Proposed Development:
- Construction of two new three storey primary school buildings for Gaelscoil na Camoige agus Gaelscoil Chluain Dolcain providing 16 classrooms each, a shared general purpose area, ancillary teaching and staff accommodation; The development will also consist of the construction of a new single storey PE Hall building for Colaiste Chilliain; The development will also include two new pedestrian access routes, with one located on New Nangor Road and with another located at the junction of New Nangor Road and Old Nangor Road; A new vehicle entrance and exit onto Old Nangor Road to provide a one-way vehicle route with a bus/vehicle set down zone, conversion of existing vehicle entrance to Colaiste Chillian to an in-only entrance; 2 new hard play courts and play space at each primary school with site landscaping, bicycle parking spaces and car parking spaces for each primary school including accessible car parking spaces, internal refurbishment works to Colaiste Chilliain to facilitate the reintegration of teaching accommodation upon Gaelscoil Chluain Dolcain's move to the new school; Removal of the existing temporary changing room and relocation of car park at Gaelscoil Chluain to provide accessible parking spaces and associated works; Connections to public utility and drainage services, boundary treatments, installation of PV panels, alterations to existing drainage layout and associated site development works.
- Decision Due:
- 03/10/2022
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Received | File | Type |
31/08/2022 |
Chief Executives Order
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31/08/2022 |
Notification of Decision Letters
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