- Date Received:
- 11/03/2022
- Last Action:
- 11/03/2022
- Application Type:
- Compliance with Conditions
- Submission Type:
- Compliance - Roads
- Closing Date for Submissions:
- Closed
- Applicant:
- Cape Wrath Hotel ULC
- Location:
- Garters Lane, Saggart, Co Dublin
- Proposed Development:
- 224 apartment units arranged in 4 blocks and all associated public open spaces, communal amenity spaces and private amenity spaces comprising terraces/balconies. The proposed blocks are arranged over 2 single level basements (accessed via 2 vehicular ramps to east of the site) and comprise 5 to 6 storey blocks with an 8 storey element as part of Block A. Vehicular access to serve the proposed development will be provided via a new access at Garters Lane and will also provide access to lands to the east (development permitted under ABP ref PL06S.305563). Permission is also sought for 191 car parking spaces (180 at basement level and 11 at surface level); 470 bicycle parking spaces (290 at basement level at 180 at surface level); 1 ESB substation; 1 cycle store, hard and soft landscaping, pedestrian and cycle links, boundary treatments, public lighting, bin storage areas at basement, surface water drainage infrastructure and attenuation tanks, and all associated site development and infrastructure works. Condition 10; “A minimum of 10% of all communal car parking spaces should be provided with functioning EV charging stations / points, and ducting shall be provided for all remaining car parking spaces, including in curtilage spaces, facilitating the installation of EV charging points / stations at a later date. Where proposals relating to the installation of EV ducting and charging stations / points has not been submitted with the application, in accordance with the above-noted requirements, such proposals shall be submitted and agreed in writing with the Planning Authority prior to the occupation of development.”
- Decision Due:
- 05/05/2022
Decision Details
- Decision Date:
- 22/04/2022
- Decision:
- Final Grant Date:
- N/A
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