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View Application SD22A/0265

View Application SD22A/0265

Date Received:
Last Action:
Application Type:
Submission Type:
New Application
Closing Date for Submissions:
Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16
Proposed Development:
(a) demolition of some existing structures on site; (b) the internal modification /reconfiguration and refurbishment of and extension to Prospect House (a protected structure RPS 340) and the renovation and modification of its associated coach house to provide for a 4-bed dwelling with associated private open space and car-parking provision; (c) the re-opening of a gap between Prospect House and its detached coach house to the rear to provide a gated access into the new communal gardens proposed to the west of Prospect House; (d) Reconstruction of the Gate Lodge (in ruins) to provide for a 2-bed, single storey dwelling 63.4sqm with associated private open space and car-parking; (e) the provision of 1 apartment block (3-storey plus setback penthouse level) to the western side of Prospect House to provide for 22 residential units (11 one bedroom units and 11 two bedroom units) over a single storey basement comprising a total of 25 car parking spaces, 2 motor bike spaces and 40 bicycle parking spaces; The basement will also include associated bin stores, plant and storage rooms; (f) Removal of a portion of the western boundary wall to provide a new vehicular & pedestrian access from Stocking Lane to the new apartment block; (g) All associated hard & soft landscaping, including the provision of a play area and an ESB sub-station & all associated engineering & site development works necessary to facilitate the development, all on a site of 0.Slha at Prospect House (a protected structure RPS 340).
Decision Due:

Decision Details

Decision Date:
Final Grant Date:


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Received File Type
13/06/2022 Chief Executives Order
Invalid Application
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13/06/2022 Notification of Decision Letters
Invalid Application
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