- Date Received:
- 10/06/2022
- Last Action:
- 10/06/2022
- Application Type:
- Notice of Prop. Dev. by State Authority
- Submission Type:
- New Application
- Closing Date for Submissions:
- Closed
- Applicant:
- The Office of Public Works
- Location:
- Tallaght Garda Station, Belgard Road East, Tallaght, Dublin, D24 K796
- Proposed Development:
- In accordance with the provisions of Part 9 of S.I. No. 600/2001, Planning and Development Regulations 2001 (as amended), give notice of their Intention to carry out the following development: construct/on of a new two-storey building at the site of the existing Tallaght Garcia Station, Belgard Road East, Ta/laght, Dublin 24, D24 K796. The proposed development will consist of; The construction of a new 449 sq.m building on a 0.71 hectare site. This new two-storey building will be for use by An Garda Slochana; Site development works will include a new emergency vehicular exit gate to the north west of the site onto Belgard Square East, car park reconfiguration to include 2 new additional universally accessible spaces and to accommodate 11 spaces to the south of the site which are relocated due to proposed building footprint and 5 Sheffield bicycle stands to the south east of the site; The removal of 6 existing trees and partial replacement of the existing boundary wall; New security gates, signage, hard and soft landscaping, CClV & lighting; New foul drainage, surface water drainage and all ancillary site services and works. An Appropriate Assessment Screening was undertaken for the proposed development. It concluded that there will be no potential for significant effects on any Natura 2000 sites, either alone or in combination with, any other plans or projects. A preliminary examination for Environmental Impact Assessment was undertaken for the proposed development. lt concluded that as there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment, an EIA is not required. Any person may, within 4 weeks from the date of the notice, apply to An Bord Pleanala for a screening detennination as to whether the development would be likely to have significant effects on the environment. The above mentioned Preliminary Examination for EIA may be inspected online at the following website: https:llwww.qov.ie/enlcollection/8218f-office-of-pubfic-worl<s-part-9-eia/ Drawings and particulars of the proposed development will be available for inspection by appointment• only and with two working days' notice, between 10.00am and 12.30pm and between 2.30pm and 4.00pm, Monday to Friday for a period of 6 weeks beginning on the date of the publication of this notice at: lntennedlate Projects, OPW, 1GQ, Georges Quay, Dublin 2, D02 Y098 and at Tallaght Garda Station, Belgard Road East, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 K796 Appointments for viewing should be sent to philip.qoufdinq@opw.ie and noef.hannan@opw.ie or telephone-(046) 942 2766. Submissions and/or observations on the proposed development, dealing with the proper planning and development of the area, may be made in writing within a period of 6 weeks beginning on the date of the publication of this notice to: The Commissioners of Public Works In Ireland, Office of Public Works, lntennedlate Projects, 1 GQ, Georges Quay, Dublin 2, D02 Y098
- Decision Due:
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