- Date Received:
- 15/06/2022
- Last Action:
- 15/06/2022
- Application Type:
- Compliance with Conditions
- Submission Type:
- Compliance - Roads
- Closing Date for Submissions:
- Closed
- Applicant:
- OBSF(I) Limited
- Location:
- Citywest Shopping Centre, Fortunestown, Dublin 24
- Proposed Development:
- Mixed use residential scheme (total GFA 26,929sq.m) comprising 6 blocks with balconies/terraces to be provided on all elevations at all levels for each block, to provide 290 apartment units and associated residential amenity facilities, a childcare facility, 4 retail units and 2 café/restaurant units. A total of 153 car parking spaces (including 2 car club spaces) are proposed at surface level and existing basement level of the Citywest Shopping Centre to serve the development to include the reallocation of 37 existing surface level spaces; 67 new surface level spaces and the reallocation of 49 spaces from commercial to residential use at existing basement level of the Citywest Shopping Centre. Condition 2; Prior to the commencement of development, the developer shall submit for the written agreement of the planning authority a revised plans and details to include: (a) The omission of the 29 number car parking spaces proposed to the east and south-east of Block E and their replacement with appropriate landscaping to provide a buffer between the apartment block and service/access road. (b) The omission of the 12 number perpendicular spaces located to the west of Blocks A and C and for this area to be incorporated with the proposed outdoor gym with revised hard and soft landscaping detail.
- Decision Due:
- 09/08/2022
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