- Date Received:
- 17/06/2022
- Last Action:
- 17/06/2022
- Application Type:
- Compliance with Conditions
- Submission Type:
- Compliance - Roads
- Closing Date for Submissions:
- Closed
- Applicant:
- Power Scaffolding Supplies Limited
- Location:
- Site at the corner of Airton Road and Belgard Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24, D24 HD35
- Proposed Development:
- Demolition of the existing industrial buildings on site (4,800sq.m) and the construction of 2 blocks comprising: 328 apartments (93 1-bed, 222 2-bed and 13 3-bed), ancillary residential support facilities and commercial floorspace measuring 31,147sq.m gross floor space above a single basement level measuring 5,861sq.m. Block A is a part-5 to part-7 storey (13,710sq.m) over basement block comprising 149 apartments with office space (222sq.m). Block B is a part-6 to part-9 storey (17,437sq.m) over basement block comprising 179 apartments, 2 double-height retail/commercial (Class 1/Class 2) units (354sq.m), a café/restaurant (313sq.m) , a creche (360sq.m), internal residents amenity area (644sq.m) at ground floor including reception (37.7sq.m), residents lounge (91.3sq.m), private dining area (52.6sq.m), co-working space (45.5sq.m), games room (47.3sq.m), gym (80sq.m) and communal lounge (220sq.m) at 6th floor level. The development also consists of the provision of a landscaped courtyard; public plaza at the corner of Airton and Belgard Road; pedestrian access from Airton Road to the Technological University campus; balconies; landscaped roof terrace at 6th floor level (7th Storey) of Block B (671sq.m); 184 car parking spaces at basement level including 14 club car spaces, 10 disabled parking spaces and 4 creche parking spaces; 727 basement and surface bicycle parking spaces; 4 motorbike parking spaces; bin storage; boundary treatments; green roofs; hard and soft landscaping; plant; lighting; Vodafone cabin sub-station; ESB sub-stations, switch rooms and generators; and all other associated site works above and below ground. Condition 5; Prior to the commencement of development, the following details shall be submitted to, and agreed in writing with the planning authority: - (a) Revised drawings indicating a gated access at the north-west corner of the site (serving the pedestrian link to Technical University of Dublin); (b) Written agreement of the landowners of the Technical University of Dublin Campus to the pedestrian link to their lands; (c) A management proposal for the pedestrian link including proposed hours of access. Reason: In the interest of proper planning and development.
- Decision Due:
- 11/08/2022
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