- Date Received:
- 16/06/2022
- Last Action:
- 16/06/2022
- Application Type:
- Compliance with Conditions
- Submission Type:
- Compliance - Roads
- Closing Date for Submissions:
- Closed
- Applicant:
- OBSF(I) Limited
- Location:
- Citywest Shopping Centre, Fortunestown, Dublin 24
- Proposed Development:
- Mixed use residential scheme (total GFA 26,929sq.m) comprising 6 blocks with balconies/terraces to be provided on all elevations at all levels for each block, to provide 290 apartment units and associated residential amenity facilities, a childcare facility, 4 retail units and 2 café/restaurant units. A total of 153 car parking spaces (including 2 car club spaces) are proposed at surface level and existing basement level of the Citywest Shopping Centre to serve the development to include the reallocation of 37 existing surface level spaces; 67 new surface level spaces and the reallocation of 49 spaces from commercial to residential use at existing basement level of the Citywest Shopping Centre. Condition 25; The construction of the development shall be managed in accordance with a Construction Management Plan, which shall be submitted to, and agreed in writing with, the planning authority prior to commencement of development. This plan shall provide details of intended construction practice for the development, including: (a) Location of the site and materials compounds including areas identified for the storage of construction refuse; areas for construction site offices and staff facilities; site security fencing and hoardings; and on-site car parking facilities for site workers during the course of construction and the prohibition of parking on neighbouring residential streets; (b) The timing and routing of construction traffic to and from the construction site and associated directional signage, to include proposals to facilitate the delivery of abnormal loads to the site; measures to obviate queuing of construction traffic on the adjoining road network; and measures to prevent the spillage or deposit of clay, rubble or other debris on the public road network; (c) Details of the implementation of appropriate mitigation measures for noise, dust and vibration, and monitoring of such levels; (d) Containment of all construction-related fuel and oil within specially constructed bunds to ensure that fuel spillages are fully contained. Such bunds shall be roofed to exclude rainwater; (e) Means to ensure that surface water run-off is controlled such that no silt or other pollutants enter local surface water sewers or drains. (f) Provision shall be made in this Construction Management Plan to comply with the requirements of the Irish Aviation Authority, including the potential impact of the development on the obstacle limitation surface and flight procedures for Casement Aerodrome and the positioning and heights of any construction cranes, and for co-ordination in the operation of the cranes with the Air Corps Air Traffic Services. (g) A record of daily checks that the works are being undertaken in accordance with the Construction Management Plan shall be kept for inspection by the planning authority. The developer shall provide contact details for the public to make complaints during construction and provide a record of any such complaints and its response to them, which may also be inspected by the planning authority.
- Decision Due:
- 10/08/2022
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